10009 – 85 Avenue,
Edmonton, AB T6E 2J9

Child Trauma Therapy: Types of Trauma That Children Experience

Raising Canada, “One-third of children in Canada do not enjoy a safe and healthy childhood, and one in three Canadians report experiencing abuse before the age of 15.” By age 15, if there was nobody to help intervene or assist, the trauma sets in and is much harder to recover from. We will break down some common […]

Key Symptoms of Anxiety to Look Out For

4.6% of Canadians have an anxiety disorder. It’s one of the most common mental health issues in the country. It’s even more common if you have other mental health disorders, and treating one provides relief from the others. Have you ever wondered, “what is anxiety?” The simplest answer is that it’s a consistent, excessive reaction to […]

Important Factors to Consider Before Starting Couples Therapy

The decision to start couples therapy is a difficult one. It requires that you accept your current situation and make a combined effort to move forward.  Simply attending couples therapy isn’t enough, however. Several things impact the efficacy of your couple’s therapy. We will look through some of those factors, giving you essential couples therapy […]

Why Emotional Intelligence Is Key in a Relationship

Do you sometimes struggle to understand your partner? In a relationship, emotional intelligence is vital for a healthy, happy long-term relationship. It is also an area that many men and women struggle with. So, what is emotional intelligence? This is the ability to recognize, understand and control emotions. It is understanding your own emotions as […]

The Cycle of Addiction. Everything You Need to Know

Edmonton has seen a significant rise in drug poisoning deaths when it comes to addiction. In fact, in 2020, 456 Edmontonians lost their lives to overdose. This number is almost double that of 2019. The cycle of addiction can affect anyone at any time. So, while it’s thought that one only needs to use a […]

What Is EMDR Therapy for Trauma and PTSD?

One in five Canadians will have a mental illness at one point in their life. Some will have chronic issues, while others will experience acute trauma, receive treatment, and get better. Mental illnesses are some of the deadliest medical conditions that exist, and treatment for them can be literally life-saving. One of those treatment methods […]

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